Super Scribblenauts is a Nintendo DS game that uses words to solve puzzles. At the start of the game you can write ala Scribble anything and if it is recognised it will appear. This is a screenshot of Valhalla, Hugin, Mugin, Viking, Valkyrie, Odin,…
Memorial plaque reads: "In Commemoration of a Great Naval Battle fought with the Danes in Swanage Bay by Alfred the Great D877". For more information see here
Rune stone in the Ashmolean Museum, originally from Uppland in Sweden and dating the the late Viking Age. It was donated to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford byKing Karl XI of Swedenin 1687.The runes read:Liðsmaðr lét hôggva stein…
Et sammendrag af filmen "Havhingstens rejse. En forsøgsrejse i film og musik", som kan ses på Vikingeskibsmuseet i forbindelse med den udstilling, der er bygget op om skibets rejse.
This is a link to a the poem Adelsö, by Justin Quinn, which was printed in the 22 August 2016 edition of The New Yorker magazine. It uses Norse mythology to talk about climate change.