Statue of a Danish Viking (with horns) outside the Danish Invader pub, Empingham Road, Stamford, Lincs. Stamford was one of the five Danish burghs in the Danelaw. Danish Invader built in 1968
The history of three Viking kings (Harald Bluetooth, Sweyn Forkbeard, Cnut the Great) told using sound and video projection mapping as a Son et Lumiere for Illuminating York 2013.
For detailed notes on the history used in this work follow these…
Project THOR appears here because of its acronym and its relationship to Project ODIN.
THOR is a 30 month project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme. It will establish seamless integration between articles, data,…
An interview with Prof. Donna Heddle, Director of the University of the Highlands and Islands interdisciplinary Centre for Nordic Studies based in Kirkwall. The interview was conducted on the Orkney Viking Heritage Project field trip.
Et sammendrag af filmen "Havhingstens rejse. En forsøgsrejse i film og musik", som kan ses på Vikingeskibsmuseet i forbindelse med den udstilling, der er bygget op om skibets rejse.
A performance of the Eddic poem 'Skírnismál' by postgraduates of the Faculty of English at the University of Oxford, during the Old Norse Poetry in Performance (ONPIP) Conference at Somerville College, Friday 24 June. These are the opening lines.
A performance of the Eddic poem 'Skírnismál' by postgraduates of the Faculty of English at the University of Oxford, during the Old Norse Poetry in Performance (ONPIP) Conference at Somerville College, Friday 24 June. This extract is from the curse…
This is a stunning Borre style Trefoil brooch found in Wiltshire, one of over 20 on the Portable Antiquities Scheme's Database. To view the full record and associated metadata, go to
Anglo-Viking silver penny, St Edmund memorial type, 895-910AD. The PAS website has over 40 examples of such coins and many others associated with the Vikings. To view the full record and associated metadata, go to…
An article about the forthcoming Playstation game Vikings: Wolves of Midgard. The game uses Norse mythology and players take on the role of a Viking or Shieldmaiden trying to defend Midgard.
A game for android devices: 'Welcome to the ruthless world of Vikings, where freedom, power, fear and violence reign supreme. You must lead brave warriors into battle, conquer the world and prove your might against players from all over the world.'
A short article about Olav Haraldsson who was canonised in 1031. He died at the Battle of Stiklestad in 1030, and is credited with bringing Christianity to Norway.
Le carnet MNM se veut une entrée vers les recherches qui intéressent les mondes normands médiévaux, entendu au sens large pour désigner d’une part l’espace occupé ou colonisé par les Scandinaves aux VIIIe-XIe siècle et de l’autre les…