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The article describes how the authors performed a network analysis of the Íslendinga sögur to gather quantitative information on interrelationships between characters and to compare saga society to other social networks.

Mac Carron, P. & Kenna,…

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A new comedy drama about the Vikings is being launched by Norwegian broadcasters NRK.

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Strong beer brewed by Ørbæk Bryggeri in Denmark, with mead added. The label features an image widely interpreted as Odin from the left side of the Vendel 1 helmet from a seventh-century ship burial.

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Supplementary resources for the book Norges Historie: en innføring

Trademarked symbol of Överhogdal village, based on an image of a tree (possibly Yggdrasill) on one of the Överhogdal tapestries.

The goddess Freyja rode a wild boar called Hildisvíni and the god Freyr owned one called Gullinbursti. This is a nineteenth-century imaginative recreation of what Freyja might have looked like riding her boar.

Pigs were a source of meat in the…
A short educational video about the Vikings done as a project for a Western Civilization class.

Recordings of the following can be accessed on this page: Vellekla Ragnarsdrápa Krákumál Egill Skallagrímsson Other texts are read as part of the lessons. Access here

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Page on the standard pronunciation of Old Norse by Óskar Guðlaugsson from the website 'Old Norse for Beginners'

A short essay on the Viking Age from the Oseberg Båtlag blog.

Ornavik is a living history museum where you can visit houses built using tenth- and eleventh-century techniques. It includes a Viking camp, a Carolingian village, and an eleventh-century style motte and bailey castle.

A donation box in the Orkneyinga saga Centre in Orphir, Orkney, featuring an open-mouthed face (viking?) with accompanying runic inscription.

'The Orkneyinga saga Centre, Orphir, tells the story of the Norse Earls of Orkney using The Orkneyinga…

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Kirkjuvagr Orkney Gin is a new product due to be launched in August 2016 and produced by Orkney Distilling Limited. It is branded using the Old Norse name for Kirkwall (Kirkjuvagr or 'Church Inlet') and the website explains that "Kirkjuvagr Gin…

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The Loki mountain bike, named for the Norse god, is marketed as being like Loki in that it can be all things to all people.

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An article about the resurgence of Norse paganism in Iceland.

Tattoo of Thor's hammer (Mjölnir) designed by Oliver Hansen and featuring an inscription in older futhark runes.

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A pale lager from Iceland brewed by Ölgerðin Egill Skallagrímsson

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NRK reports on a group from the Lofoten Viking Museum who travelled to Russia to promote tourism in North Norway.

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Viking Schnitzels from Oldenlander

Described on their Facebook Page as "a hot n' fresh peppy(roni) pizza of a theatre company." Based in Edmonton, Canada.
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