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A reconstructed Viking tent stands between buildings at Bjørgvin Viking Market

The view of Bjørgvin Viking Market from a reconstruction Viking ship

Thjodhild (Þjóðhild) had a church built in the Viking settlement of Brattahlíð (Qassiarsuk), Greenland. The reconstruction shows how the interior might have looked. It is small and would not have accommodated many people.

Photographs of the interior of the reconstructed Viking longhouse at Brattahlid (Norse Brattahlíð) in Greenland. The photographs show a number of reconstructions of everyday items. These include an upright loom, a drum, shoes, and clothes.

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A printable Viking paper doll with clothes and accessories that can be cut out and coloured in.

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The website of Ragnar, former mascot of the Minnesota Vikings.

The ship, an imaginative reconstruction of a large ocean-going ship based on saga accounts, rather than following the model of a ship find. It was built in Hagesund, Norway, between 2010 and 2012 and funded by Sigurd Aase. It recently completed a…

A report on the Viking reenactment event 'Times & Epochs 2016'

The Hørning stone (DR 58) was carved by an emancipated slave in honour of his master. The inscription reads: tuki : smiþr : riþ : stin : ift ¶ þurkisl : kuþmutaR : sun : is : hanum ¶ kaf : kul : uk :…

A photograph of the reconstructed Viking longhouse at Brattahlid (Norse Brattahlíð) in Greenland.

A table at Stamford bridge with food and vessels laid out to show the types of food available to Vikings

The Saxon shieldwall at a reenactment of the battle of Stamford Bridge in 2013

Harald hardrada (Haraldr harðráði in Old Norse) holds court after defeating the local army at York. Reenactment at Stamford Bridge in 2013.

Harald hardrada (Haraldr harðráði in Old Norse) leads his army onto the field of battle. Reenactment at Stamford Bridge in 2013.

The Viking shieldwall at a reenactment of the Battle of Stamford Bridge in 2013
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