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Tjodhild came to Greenland with her husband Erik the Red, founder of the first settlement in Greenland at Brattahlíð. The small church (or chapel) at Brattahlíð (Þjóðhildarkirkja) was named after her, and is…

Bronze and silver reconstructions of the female figures, which were found in (from left to right):

1. Tissø, Denmark
2. Tjørnehøj, Hårby, Denmark
3. Galgebakken, Vrejlev, Denmark

These reconstructions were cast by Grzegorz Pilarczyk…

Sliver and bronze reconstructions of pendant (or clothing appliqué), which was found in the relicts of settlement near Tissø Lake. These reconstructions were casted by Grzegorz Pilarczyk (

This photo was taken during 6th…

Recordings of the following can be accessed on this page: Vellekla Ragnarsdrápa Krákumál Egill Skallagrímsson Other texts are read as part of the lessons. Access here

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Red Erik beer. ”Fruity, aromatic, ruby red with pink foam.’ Branded Ceres brewery, which was founded 1856. ‘Purveyor to Danish court’ from 1914. Became part of Royal Unibrew, who closed it as separate brewery in 2008.
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Subscribe to Red Ice Radio in iTunes:…

A sub-reddit for discussion about the Vikings.

Rediscovering the Vikings Call for Papers.pdf
First call for papers for Rediscovering the Vikings

Rediscovering the Vikings 2nd Call for Papers.pdf
Second call for papers for the Rediscovering the Vikings conference

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The standard French playing card deck has the Jack of Spades as Hogier, probably a reference to Holger the Dane, who is first mentioned in the French 'Chanson de Roland' as a Danish antagonist of Charlemagne. Thanks to Northern Displayers for this…

An essay on how a group of students responded to a class on the history of the Vikings and how it affected their perception of the Vikings.

The remains of a church from c.1300 at Quassiarsuk (Brattahlid / Brattahlíð) in Greenland. Remains of an earlier church were found under these remains. The church is surrounded by a turf wall.

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St Hallvard's Cathedral was first built in the twelfth century, and fell out of use in the seventeenth century. It's remains are now visible in Oslo.

St Hallvard shot full of arrows and killed when he tried to defend a pregnant woman from attack.…

Roskilde 6 was discovered in 1997 during work to extend the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde. The 37 meter Viking warship is the largest yet discovered, and had apparently been wrecked on the shore near Roskilde. Only 20% of the timbers survived, but…

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Roskilde 6 was discovered in 1997 during work to extend the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde. The 37 meter Viking warship is the largest yet discovered, and had apparently been wrecked on the shore near Roskilde. Only 20% of the timbers survived, but…

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Part of the keel, rib and stern from a 20-25m ocean-going vessel from around the year 600AD. Found in a river west of Gredstedbro, Denmark. Details about the exhibition can be found at

Remains of the Viking Age church at Brattahlid (Brattahlíð). Thjodhild (Þjóðhild), Eirik the Red's wife, had the church built when she converted to Christianity. Areconstruction of the churchstands on the hillside…

A remix of a public domain image of the Krogsta Rune stone in the archives of the Swedish National Heritage Board, by Lars Lundqvist. This image, which makes a comment on the possibilities afforded by Creative Commons images was produced as part of…
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