The Nazis used the image of the Viking and an appeal to 'Nordic' identity in order to claim common ground with, and recruit from, the occupied countries of Denmark and Norway. Items like this now serve as a sage reminder that Viking 'branding' has…
A rack of naturally-dyed wool showing the range of colours that Viking Age clothes could have come in. The Vikings are known to have liked colourful clothes, and this photographs demonstrates what could be achieved with the technology they…
The National Museum of Denmark is Denmark's state museum. It oversees various other museums around Denmark and has a digital collection that can be searched.
Database of illustrations of Old Norse mythology, as well as scenes of Old Norse paganism and the Conversion period, from manuscripts and early print sources. 450 images as of May 2024.
The largest of five mounds at Myklebust, Nordfjordeid, Sogn og Fjordane in Norway contained the remains of the largest Viking Age ship found in Norway. It was excavated in 1874 by Anders Lorange, just 14 years before he died. Excavators found the…
The Collection in Lincoln offers Viking workshops for schools as well as loan boxes that can be taken back to the classroom for the students to handle.
Mural by artist Axel Revold in the National Library (Nasjonalbiblioteket) at Henrik Ibsens gate 110, Oslo. It depicts the Norns and the World-Tree. It was painted in 1933 by artist Axel Revold, who revived the art of mural painting in Norway.
A chalk mural decorating the interior of one of the larger reconstructed townhouses in Ribe VikingCenter (the Thing-Hall)and telling the history of the Vikings in Ribe. It was produced using authentic materials and techniques by artist Trine Theut in…
A mural in Dublin City Hall entitled 'Irishmen oppose the Landing of the Viking Fleet, 841 A.D' by James Ward and students of the Dublin Metropolitan School of Art. Completed in 1919
A mural in Dublin City Hall entitled 'Brian Boru and the Battle of Clontarf 1014 A.D' by James Ward and students of the Dublin Metropolitan School of Art. Completed in 1919.
MS Sigyn was a Swedish ship that transported spent nuclear waste from Swedish nuclear power plants. She was named for Loki's wife, who held a bowl over his face to catch venom that was dripping onto it while he was chained up as punishment.