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Brightly pained reproductions of Viking shields on display in the temporary Jorvik: Home and Abroad Exhibition in St Mary’s, Coppergate. Photo taken by Kisha G. Tracy.

An article on the BBC News website about the chance discovery of a Viking Age sword in Iceland.

Some important dates in the Viking Age, both in Dublin and in the wider Viking World. This is one of the first displays that visitors to Dublinia encounter. For more information, and to arrange a visit, see

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An interactive map of Dublin with a slider allowing a view of the city development through the Viking and Medieval periods. Produced by Dublinia as part of their Online Learning Resources, and available for Primary Level and for Everyone.

The Online Learning Website from Dublinia features interactive maps of Viking and medieval Dublin, and nine audio visual animations on historical sites in the city, available via a free online platform at

Replicas of placards used during the demonstrations against the development of the Wood Quay site in Dublin in the 1970s. Dublin City Council's Civic Offices were built on the site of Viking Dublin, after some of the most important excavations of a…

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A Viking Ship mural and model on the Home Response House on Lord Edward Street in Dublin. The building is probably Viking-themed due to its location in the former area of Viking settlement within the city, near to Fishamble St and Wood Quay.

These tablets would have been used for tablet or card weaving. This is a technique for making narrow decorative bands of the sort that would have decorated the hems of Vikings' clothes.

This mould was almost certainly used to make the star-shaped kite brooch that is displayed beside it. Both were found on the same site.

This display shows pieces of amber and beads made from amber that were found in Fishamble Street, Dublin

These carved bone pieces were found in Winetavern Street and Fishamble Street, Dublin.

These two whalebone bats were found in the High Street, Dublin, while the pin was found on Fishamble Street.

An iron stirrup and a silvered spur. The museum information board notes that the Vikings probably introduced spurs and stirrups to Ireland, and that this pair are among the earliest known from Ireland.

A chisel, a punch and two iron files are evidence of everyday activities in Dublin in the Viking Age. These were all found in Fishamble Street.
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