An annual walk in north-west England to commemorate the Viking heritage of the area and the life of Norway's patron saint. The link takes you to the article about it in The Norseman magazine
The page linked to by this item records the death of Olav Haraldsson in 1030 at the Battle of Stiklestad. It states only that he was killed by his own people (i.e. the Norwegians) and afterwards canonised. No other details are given
Viking 'Warlord' Racing Bike produced by the Viking Cycles company which was based in Derry, and was bought by Manchester-based Avocet Sports. Their logo was once a Viking Ship.
A short article about Olav Haraldsson who was canonised in 1031. He died at the Battle of Stiklestad in 1030, and is credited with bringing Christianity to Norway.
The baseball team in Chalon sur Saône in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region in eastern France is named 'Chalon Vikings'. It is not clear what the connection with the historical Vikings is.
The Culture Centre at Stiklestad was built to mark commemorate the Battle of Stiklestad which is usually taken to mark the coming of Christianity to Norway in 1030.
Strong beer brewed by Ørbæk Bryggeri in Denmark, with mead added. The label features an image widely interpreted as Odin from the left side of the Vendel 1 helmet from a seventh-century ship burial.
Mead produced by Dansk Mjød A/S, in Billund, Denmark and named Ribe Mjød, with a nod to the important Viking market at Ribe. Aimed at the tourist market.
PBS NOVA - Vikings Unearthed - New Documentary 2016
Uncover the truth behind the legendary Vikings and their epic journey to the Americas.
Bloody raids. Merciless pillaging. Loathsome invasions. The Vikings are infamous for their fearsome…
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A belt buckle form Eri in Lærdal is thought to be connected to the craftsman who worked on the Oseberg ship. The motif on the belt buckle is almost exactly the same as a central motif on the Oseberg wagon.
Two autonomous submarines produced by Kongsberg Maritime are named Hugin ('thought') and Munin ('mind') after Odin's ravens, which brought him information.