(From Wikipedia) "The game is based on Norse mythology, where the war between the gods has sparked further conflict in the mortal realm of Midgard, where Freya's champion Skarin must lead Viking forces against that of the Goddess Hel."
From the album “Myths & Muses” by Serpentyne c&p 2015
Filmed & directed by Bryan Lomax, Storyboard by Mark Powell
Edited by Bryan Lomax, Maggie-Beth Sand and Mark Jenkins
Produced by Serpentyne -
A stained glass Image of Thor found in the winter smoking room of Cardiff Castle. Designed by William Burges. Other windows in the room depict Tyr, Mani, Woden, Seater and Frigga.
A handy guide to Norse place name elements, produced by the Shetland Place Names Project, and available to download on the Shetland Amenity Trust Website.
The Freja Byrdingis an accurate reconstruction of Skuldelev 3, discovered in the Roskilde Fjord barrier and housed in the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde.The Viking Ship Museum has its own replica of this small 14 meter Viking cargo vessel (dating to…
Shirley McPhaul (University of Iceland), ‘Of Gods and Fictional Worlds: The Viking Age Proto-Fictional Universe in Narrative-Driven Videogames’. Chaired by Roderick Dale. Presentation at the IRC-Funded Conference ''Rediscovering the Vikings',…
(From Wikipedia) "a science-fictional futuristic retelling of Norse mythology that portrays the Æsir, the Norse gods, as cybernetically enhanced humans, tasked with protecting mankind from the onslaught of Loki's army of machines."