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An interactive Viking-themed tour in Dublin. Photographed in Dublin, August 2016.The amphibious vehicles are named after Norse gods.As described on the Viking Splashwebsite: "Let the Vikings show you the sites and scenes of the capital city from a…

Two NASA space probes sent to Mars in the 1970s were named Viking 1 and Viking 2. They both consisted of an orbiter and a lander, which photographed the planet and took measurements from its surface. The naming reflects the association of the Vikings…

A photograph of a Viking souvenir statuette of unknown provenance. The figure wears typical Viking garb and carries a tri-lobed sword, Gjermundbu-style helmet and a shield.

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Digital copies of publications produced by the Viking Society for Northern Research, including 'Saga Book' vols. I–XXXVIII, 'A New Introduction to Old Norse', a number of significant texts in translation, and various other articles, essays, and…

A Viking longship snowglobe in the Dublinia gift shop.

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Harðfiskur (English 'stockfish') is a delicious snack of naturally dried fish that is commonly eaten with butter on it. This brand is marketed as 'Viking'.

Viking shot glasses from the tourist info shop in Copenhagen

A shot glass with a Viking in a helmet on it, although the design of the helmet seems closer to one of the Swedish Vendel era helmets instead.. Seen in Vikingskipshuset.

A gift shop in Niagara-on-the-Lake, with a dragon-prowed viking ship as a logo. The connection with the Vikings is unclear.

A t-shirt with a Viking ship logo from the Tourist Information shop in Copenhagen

A Viking-ship-themed stage at the National Day celebrations in Bergen, Norway, 2015.

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Stylised viking ship magnets, on sale in a gift shop in Ribe

A Viking ship snowglobe in Vikingskipshuset

A reconstructed Viking ship in Lofoten, Norway. The design appears to be based on the Gokstad ship.

This Viking Ship seat outside the Orkneyinga Saga Centre at Orphir, Orkney is a good spot for photos.

Ormen is a planter near the bridge at Stamford Bridge. It takes the form of a Viking ship with dragon's head and shields down the side.

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A replica Viking ship outside Reginalds Tower Viking Museum in Waterford.

This motif featuring Viking ships was photographed in Oslo City Hall in 2006. Thank you to Love Archaeology and Royst for information about the location of this item.

User submitted image of a Viking fire pit produced by the Canadian company Imagine Metal Art, which produced metal garden sculptures. For more information see their website at
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