Grave goods including a vessel, whetstone and beads from a grave where the individual was buried in a wooden coffin. Details about the exhibition can be found at
A silver goblet with Christian iconography of Frankish origins. Produced around the year 800, and possibly taken in a Viking raid. Found north of Ribe. Details about the exhibition can be found at
Soapstone amulets found in excavations of a house and marketplace in Ribe, as well as an amber axe. Details about the exhibition can be found at
Lead seal from Byzantine Empire. Refers to Theodosius and dates to c. 840. Found near Ribe Marketplace. Details about the exhibition can be found at
A reconstruction of the marketplace in Ribe, including craftspeople, stalls, and a cart and ship used for trading goods. Details about the exhibition can be found at
Slides from three lectures introducing undergraduate students to Old Norse, with the main points of grammar covered as well as exercises to accompany the explanations. Includes a passage from Hrafnkels saga Freysgoða for translation. Used in Old…
Essay Title: ‘The incorporation of Norse mythological material in Beowulf is nothing more than a random assortment of half-remembered stories.’ Discuss.
Essay Title: ‘The primary value of eddic poetry and Snorri Sturluson’s Edda is located not in their aesthetic accomplishments but in their status as mythological sources.’ Discuss.
Essay Title: ‘There is ample evidence in the eddic corpus of a distinct genre of Odinic wisdom dialogue. The poems belonging to this genre are uniform in their themes and formulaic in their execution.’ Discuss.
Essay Question: How is the figure of the poet presented in the skáldasögur (Bjarnar saga Hítdœlakappa, Egils saga Skalla-Grímssonar, Gunnlaugs saga ormstungu, Hallfreðar saga, and Kormáks saga)?
Essay Question: Why do the authors of the skáldasögur (Bjarnar saga Hítdœlakappa, Egils saga Skalla-Grímssonar, Gunnlaugs saga ormstungu, Hallfreðar saga, and Kormáks saga) incorporate poetry in their sagas?