Several of the beers produced by Jelling Bryggeri draw on the prominent Viking heritage of the area, including Kong Haralds Classic, Gorm, Thyras Bryg, and Jelling Guld (with images of the pre-Viking Golden Horns of Gallehus)
A mural in Dublin City Hall entitled 'Irishmen oppose the Landing of the Viking Fleet, 841 A.D' by James Ward and students of the Dublin Metropolitan School of Art. Completed in 1919
A mural in Dublin City Hall entitled 'Brian Boru and the Battle of Clontarf 1014 A.D' by James Ward and students of the Dublin Metropolitan School of Art. Completed in 1919.
Jacqui Mulville and Ian Dennis (Guerilla Archaeology), ‘ Antler, Agency and Archaeology’. Chaired by Christina Lee. Presentation at the IRC-Funded Conference ''Rediscovering the Vikings', UCC, 25 Nov. 2016.
Völuspá is one of the most important poems in the Poetic Edda, and the most well-known account of the beginning and end of the world (Ragnarok) in Norse myth.
Dr. Jackson Crawford's translation of the Poetic Edda presents this critical source of…
A short history of the Viking Age and medieval period in Norway with exercises for pupils. These are supplements to the book 'Historie Vg2. Fra de eldste tider til 1700-tallet'.
The company website for Íslensk hollusta refers to the fact that Icelanders used Black Salt until the 15th Century, produced from burning seaweed. It is marketed as Viking Salt to tourists.
Project Andvari is an international collaborative project designed to create a free digital portal that will provide integrated access to collections of northern European art and artifacts of the early medieval period (4th–12th centuries).
Podcast from Le Salon noir, France Culture, broadcast Saturday 9 January at 19:30.
'Dans les pas des invasions vikings' (In the Footsteps of the Viking Invasions') with Vincent Carpentier, medieval archaeologist at Inrap
Des récits palpitants qui racontent deux siècles et demi de conquêtes et d’histoire du monde sur trois continents. Écrit par Vincent Carpentier, archéologue à l’Inrap et illustré par Jeff Pourquié. Une…
Innocent produced a series of magnets featuring letters of the alphabet illustrated by an object or subject starting with this letter. Here we see V illustrated by Vikings, using the most well known symbolism of horned helmets, shield, axe and ship.…