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Entrance to Vikingemuseet, underneath Nordea bank in centre of Århus, Denmark. A three-metre descent by stairs into original Viking Aros (Århus) town - as you walk down past the original layers of earth, stone and human debris, years on the steps…

Stamford Bridge heraldry on notice board honouring the battle of Stamford Bridge that took place in 1066 between Harald Hardrada & Harold Godwinson.

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One of a pair of Faroese stamps released in 1989 and designed by Bárður Jákupsson, featuring a Viking Age toy boat found in Toftanes, Leirvík. Listed as Stamp #FO 176. For the original boat, see here.

One of a pair of Faroese stamps released in 1989 and designed by Bárður Jákupsson, featuring a Viking Age toy horse found in at the Viking farm at Kvívík, Leirvík and now on display at The National Museum of the…

A statue standing outside the Norwegian Church in Heimaey, Westman Islands. The statue was erected in 1999 and is named Hús Guðanna, 'House of the Gods', the plural suggesting a reference to the Norse gods.

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A Viking statue in Gimli, Manitoba, shown in 1981 (left) and 2016 (right). The town was settled by Canadian Icelanders and by Icelandic immigrants. The town's Icelandic festival celebrated its 125th anniversary in 2014.

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Satue of Ansgar by artist Hein Heinsen, outside Ribe Cathedral. Ansgar (801-65) was a German missionary (later Archbishop of Hamburg, and later canonised) who was given permission to build the first church in Ribe by King Horik. He is known as the…

'Egil Skallagrimson reiser nidstang'. A sculpture of the warrior-poet Egill Skallagrímsson (tenth-century hero of Egils saga) raising a nithing pole to his Norwegian enemies, by renowned Norwegian sculpture Gustav Vigeland. It is located in a park…

Famous statue by sculptor H.P. Pedersen-Dans in Kronborg Castle depicting the legendary figure Holger Danske (Ogier the Dane) first mentioned in the eleventh-century Chanson de Roland, and who later becomes a major antagonist (and later supporter) of…

Statue by Einar Jónsson erected in 1924 at Arnarhóll in the centre of Reykjavík. It depicts Ingólfr Arnarson, who is named in Landnámabók ('The Book of Settlements') as the first Scandinavian settler in Iceland. He is said to have named…

Photograph of the statue of the Norse explorer and settler Leif Ericson (ON Leifr Eiríksson) in Qassiarsuk, Southern Greenland (Norse Brattahlíð) by Camilla Hey - Visit Greenland

Statue of Leif Eriksson overlooking Qassiarsuk / Brattahlid in Greenland

A statue of Prinsesse Kristina, daughter of Hakon Hakonsson and wife of Don Felipe, who was the brother of the Spanish king Alfonso X. She married him in 1258. This statue is a copy of one standing in Covarrubias, Spain.

Steatite (or Soapstone) basin. These were often imported from Norway and Sweden in the Viking Age. Dunrossness. Donated by Hugh Crawford, Richmond, Surrey. ARC65209

The Oseberg Ship would have been steered with an oar fitted to the starboard side of the ship, just like other Viking Age ships.
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