A poster with some of the modern Danish names with roots in the names of Norse gods and goddesses, on display in an exhibition on legacy at Kongernes Jelling (Royal Jelling) Experience Centre.See theirwebsitefor more information.
A poster the days of the week with roots in the names of Norse gods, on display in an exhibition on legacy at Kongernes Jelling (Royal Jelling) Experience Centre.See theirwebsitefor more information.
A map of some of the Danish place names with connections to the Norse gods,on display in an exhibition on legacy at Kongernes Jelling (Royal Jelling) Experience Centre.See theirwebsitefor more information.
A hand dryer in the Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen. The company uses a Viking warrior in the colours of the Danish flag as their logo. Naturally, the figure has a horned helmet.
A translation of Hamðismál by Josefina Troncoso (@kriemhildsrache on Twitter), a 3rd year English student at Durham University. Hamðismál is a heroic poem from the Poetic Edda that finishes the cycle about Guðrun and Sigurðr.
A translation of the Old Norse poem Völundarkviða from the Poetic Edda by Josefina Troncoso (@kriemhildsrache on Twitter), a 3rd year English student at Durham University. This is one of the mythological poems, and is related to the tale of…
A translation into Spanish of the Old Norse poem Völundarkviða from the Poetic Edda by Josefina Troncoso (@kriemhildsrache on Twitter), a 3rd year English student at Durham University. This is one of the mythological poems, and is related to the…
Ancient Music of Scandinavia - European Music Archaeology Project (EMAP) Volume 2. This is a video related to the CD Ice and Longboats, volume 2 of a collaboration between Delphian Records, EMAP and the University of Huddersfield. The series was the…
A shop in Tønsberg selling brewing kits and offering courses in how to brew beer. It uses a stylised version of the Oseberg ship as its logo. The shop also uses a rune-like font to reinforce the Norseness of its brand.
Reconstructed Viking ships at the Tønsberg Viking Festival. The ship closest to the foreground is Saga Oseberg, a reconstruction of the Oseberg ship. In the background is the Viking festival itself.
A replica of the Klåstad ship is being built outside the Quality Hotel Tønsberg, in the middle of the area used for the Viking festival. The Klåstad ship was found in 1893 and is on display at Slottsfjellsmuseet in Tønsberg. It was found in a mud…