Hearing and Speaking Old Norse

Pronunciation of Old Norse Guide
(c) Óskar Guðlaugsson

Hyperlink to Recordings of Old Norse Texts
(c) Óskar Guðlaugsson
Pronunciation of Old Norse
Óskar Guðlaugsson has a section on his website dedicated to pronunciation, using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to illustrate the sounds of vowels and consonants. It can be accessed here. For those who like to hear how words are pronounced, the same website has a series of recordings at this link.
Jackson Crawford has a useful video in his series on YouTube, and all his videos allow you to listen to Old Norse being read aloud.
Hearing Old Norse
Luckily, there are an increasing number of opportunities to hear Old Norse being pronounced and spoken by scholars who are putting audio clips and videos online. You can watch one of Jackson Crawford's videos (particularly relevant for the reading of Old Norse are the videos here and here), or listen to the short audio clips used to promote Jesse Byock's Viking Language Series, and available on the Viking Language website here. You can also get a flavour of Old Norse in these recitations of Skaldic verse by Orri Tomasson (with translations in English from David Baker). The Son et Lumiere performance below, 'Triquetra', was produced for Illuminating York 2013 and projected onto Clifford’s Tower. It contains a number of recitations of Old Norse by scholars from York, Cambridge and Aberystwyth.
For a less academic approach to the reconstruction of Old Norse, you might look at a clip from History Channel's Vikings. The pronunciation has its flaws, but clips such as the one below raise interesting questions about the mutual intelligibility of Old Norse and Old English!