These tablets would have been used for tablet or card weaving. This is a technique for making narrow decorative bands of the sort that would have decorated the hems of Vikings' clothes.
Some important dates in the Viking Age, both in Dublin and in the wider Viking World. This is one of the first displays that visitors to Dublinia encounter. For more information, and to arrange a visit, see
Brightly pained reproductions of Viking shields on display in the temporary Jorvik: Home and Abroad Exhibition in St Mary’s, Coppergate. Photo taken by Kisha G. Tracy.
Assorted Viking-Age artefacts from excavations in York, including bone needles, loom weights and wooden objects on display in the temporary Jorvik: Home and Abroad Exhibition in St Mary’s, Coppergate. Photo taken by Kisha G. Tracy.
Viking Age artefacts from excavations in York, including beads, finger rings, pottery and whetstones on display in the temporary Jorvik: Home and Abroad Exhibition in St Mary’s, Coppergate. Photo taken by Kisha G. Tracy.
Reconstructed Viking pots in a market stall in Viking Jorvik. Part of the temporary exhibit Jorvik: Home and Abroad in St Mary’s, Coppergate. Photo taken by Kisha G. Tracy.
Models of Norse townspeople on the streets of Viking Jorvik. Part of the temporary exhibit Jorvik: Home and Abroad in St Mary’s, Coppergate. Photos taken by Kisha G. Tracy.
A model of a beggar on the streets of Viking Jorvik. Part of the temporary exhibit Jorvik: Home and Abroad in St Mary’s, Coppergate. Photo taken by Kisha G. Tracy.
A display demonstrating some of the objects made from horn in York during the Viking Age, including spoons, jewellery and drinking horns. Part of the temporary exhibit Jorvik: Home and Abroad in St Mary’s, Coppergate. Photos taken by Kisha G.…
A display including some of the items brought from Norway to trade in York during the Viking Age, including dried fish, animal skins, antlers and soapstone, as well as a replica Viking ship. Part of the temporary exhibit Jorvik: Home and Abroad in St…
"Working in partnership with York Museums Trust, The JORVIK Group invites you to discover the hustle and bustle of Viking-age York in this special exhibition exploring trade, industry and everyday life in the city over…
Example of animated rune stone at Haithabu/Hedeby Viking Museum, Schleswig, Germany. The exhibited runestone features a simple animation with a voice over and translation of the inscription.
A new app is coming that will permit visitors to Gamla Uppsala to see the environment as it used to be on an iPad that they can borrow from the museum.
Gordarike in Hallingdal has traces of Viking Age and medieval history. You can visit Gol stave church, King Hadding's grave mound and learn about the Vikings here.
The Viking Village is a living history museum. It is open to tourists in the summer and is used as a school activities centre the rest of the year. Nordvegen History Centre is open all year round, but with reduced opening hours in the low season. It…