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  • Tags: Wikinger Museum Haithabu

Bronze Thor's hammer has been found in trade emporium in Hedeby / Haithabu.

This find is a part of permanent exhibition in Hedeby Viking Museum / Wikinger Museum Haithabu.

Soapstone mould has been found in trade emporium in Hedeby / Haithabu.

This mould has engraved on a front side Thor's hammer and on a back side cross or maybe cross-shape Thor's hammer.

This find is a part of permanent exhibition in Hedeby…

Soapstone Thor's hammer mould has been found in trade emporium in Hedeby / Haithabu.

This find is a part of permanent exhibition in Hedeby Viking Museum / Wikinger Museum Haithabu.
Example of animated rune stone at Haithabu/Hedeby Viking Museum, Schleswig, Germany. The exhibited runestone features a simple animation with a voice over and translation of the inscription.
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