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Hanz assembles this classic LEGO VIKINGS Ship and the Midgard Serpent #7018 in 1.5 minutes via the magic of Time-Lapse photography. PLEASE VIEW IN HD!

Created by Hanz Hosler and Tom Hosler

From LEGO:
LEGO VIKINGS Ship Challenges the Midgard…

A series of brooches and jewellery based on Viking Age motifs and original artefacts.

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A printable Viking paper doll with clothes and accessories that can be cut out and coloured in.

A selection of oval brooches and trefoil brooches on display at kulturhistorisk museum.

Brooch from Etelhem in Gotland (now in Historiska museet) inscribed with older futhark runes and dating to the period 400-500AD. According to Rundata one reading is as follows: mk mrla wrt(a)a Ek, erilaz, worta. I, the eril, wrought.

Bonze-Age depictions of ships from Solbakk, Rogaland, Norway. For a higher resolution image, see

Bronze Thor's hammer has been found in trade emporium in Hedeby / Haithabu.

This find is a part of permanent exhibition in Hedeby Viking Museum / Wikinger Museum Haithabu.

Bronze silver-plated reconstructions of female figures based on the finds from (from left to right):

1. Tissø, Denmark
2. Öland, Sweden
3. Tuna, Alsike, Uppland, Sweden

These reconstruction were cast by Mojmira from Kram Szepczące Kruki…

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There are several bronze plaques around the Wood Quay area (the centre of Viking Dublin) which indicate where artefacts were discovered in the city. Some of these artefacts can be viewed in the National Museum. Erected by Dublin City Council.

Bronze pin and bone or antler comb found in a male Viking grave near Larne, County Antrim, in 1840. The grave dates dating from the tenth century. On loan from Duke of Northumberland at the Ulster Museum, Belfast in Northern Ireland.

A bronze ear scoop (c. 800-1099) from Birka discovered in excavations on the island of Birka (Björkö) in the late nineteenth century. For higher resolution and more images, see the website here

Bronze casting is one of several traditional crafts carried out at the Viking Marketplace in Ribe VikingCenter, where visitors can interact with the craftspeople at work. For more information about the Center, see item#1007and the section on Bronze…
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