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A report of a Viking trade centre in Western Australia was posted on the faux news site World Daily News Report. This report was more easily seen through than the report of a Viking ship in Tennessee from the same site, but it still had people…

The Icelandic sagas with modern Icelandic spelling

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A blog post about paintings of Viking raids.
The Early Middle Ages, 284--1000 (HIST 210)

In the first part of this lecture, Professor Freedman discusses the emergence of the Vikings from Scandinavia in the ninth and tenth centuries. The Vikings were highly adaptive, raiding (the…

According to their website, Yara is "the world’s largest producer of ammonia, nitrates and NPKs, providing the foundation of Yara’s fertilizer and industrial solutions'. The website at explains the…

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Yddir Vikinglag is a living history group focused on Viking Age handicrafts and techniques.

Trademarked logo of Yggdrasil Gaming Ltd, which describes itself as a provider of market-leading online and mobile casino games, RNG lottery content and live lotto.

Logo of the European culture, language and identity in a new world.

Project Summary

Is there a common European culture? What cultural developments can be seen within the last two generations? What role does the European Union play? Is language…

Logo of Yggdrasill Heildsala, the leading wholesaler in the import and sale of organic products and health products in Iceland.

Ylva Berglund Prytz (University of Oxford), ‘ Beowulf, Trenches, and an Old Polish Car – Community Collections Galore?' Chaired by Tom Birkett. Presentation at the IRC-Funded Conference 'Rediscovering the Vikings', UCC, 25 Nov. 2016.

A company making sanitary ware that appears to be named for the Norse giant Ymir.

The Lloyds Bank Coprolite
The Jorvik Viking Centre recreates and displays Viking Age York as excavated on the site between 1976 and 1981.

Knife blade with bone handle with incised ring and dot ornament and two bands of cross-hatching. More detail can be found at

Openwork chape with Jellinge style decoration found at Coppergate, York. Now in The Yorkshire Museum. More information can be found at
Find out about of one of the most significant discoveries of Viking treasure ever found in Yorkshire.

The hoard was discovered in 2012 by metal detectorists and, following many months of conservation and a public appeal, the Bedale Hoard is now…

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Information board about the Vikings in Youghal Heritage Centre and Tourist Office
10 things you did not know about Vikings. A comprehensive video about these mythical warrior people who are more popular than ever. Do you think they were bloodthirsty, hairy murderers who just could rob, rape and set fire to the towns they came to?…
Example of animated rune stone at Haithabu/Hedeby Viking Museum, Schleswig, Germany. The exhibited runestone features a simple animation with a voice over and translation of the inscription.
Every summer I sail the mighty Sea Stallion, a faithful replica of a viking warship. The three-week raid is packed with adventure, camaraderie, exhaustion, and tons upon tons of fun.
These are just a few moments of the awe inspiring trip, and they…

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A reconstructed farm based on the excavated remains found at Stöng. It is open to visit in the summer.
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